
Hyperlocal Fulfillment

NanoFulfillment® is the latest evolution of E-Commerce supply chain solutions in urban areas.

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Re-deployable & ready within



Fits into only


square feet.

Handle up to


orders per day.

Re-deployable and Plug & Play ready within only 1 week

Fastest way to react to peaks

Our modular solution was designed for rapid deployment. No engineering, no planning. All our systems are pre‐assembled at the factory. React to peaks on demand with our plug & play approach. That's flexibility!

nanofulfillement - re-deployable & reay within 1 week
nanofulfillment - Fits into only 800 square feet.
Fits into only 800 square feet

Fits into available urban space

At 9'6" clear height it fits into almost any space. Perfect for urban areas, back-of-store, malls or small warehouses. No need to build or buy real estate. Rent what is available and move your inventory closer to your customers. That's hyper-local!

Handle up to 1,000 orders per day

Let happy customers grow your business

The NanoFC is a rapid order fulfillment engine. Pick up to 1,000 orders/day and fulfill orders in less than 30 minutes. Speed creates customer loyalty!

nanofulfillment - handle up to 1000 orders per day.
nanofulfillment - Reduce CapEx and risk
Boost order fulfillment

Reduce CapEx and risk

Increase your profitability. With our price competitive system small to mid-sized retailers can now also benefit from automation, not just the big guys. Lowest cost per picked unit in the market.

NanoFulfillment - the ideal solution for your business

Calculate your ROI

Our easy-to-use ROI calculation is a great tool for evaluating your investment decision.

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What's being said about us?

NanoFulfillment - the ideal solution for your business

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